Game of Thrones wraps up season 7 with the feature-length “The Dragon and the Wolf,” where bonds are forged, bonds are broken, theories confirmed and more than one cold-hearted sucka fell. Can’t wait for season 8!
Seven hells, make sure you’ve watched “The Dragon and the Wolf” before listening, ya?
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We Know Nothing #27: Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 7: The Dragon and the Wolf
A huge, tense episode just happened. So much was confirmed. So much hap-DID YOU JUST SEE THIS EPISODE! Stop reading and hit play already! There’s a lot to discuss.
EMAIL US with your questions and theories at Follow us on Twitter at @weknownothingrz.
Also–we dearly would love some iTunes reviews! If you like the show, please show your support by trudging through Apple’s terrible software to leave a review. We’d be eternally grateful, and you’d have the favor of the old gods and the new.
On the future of the show:
So, this season has ended, but that doesn’t mean you have to wait for season 8 to hear from us! We will be releasing episodes in the interim, so look for coverage of previous seasons, your email and more. Perhaps we’ll know something by season 8! (Nah, probably not.)

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We Know Nothing is a fun show about the HBO series Game of Thrones and the book series “A Song of Ice and Fire.” We talk about it all and have a lot of fun in the process. Hosted by Sers Joe Tavano and Kevin Rampelberg, and only on RetroZap! These two have been friends since the days of the First Men, so they’re not afraid to discuss the show with a healthy, open discussion.
Note that this show does discuss all aspects of A Song of Ice and Fire, including the core series, spinoff stories such as the Dunk and Egg tales, and companion books such as The World of Ice and Fire. While there may be no more spoilers from the books in season six of the TV show, please let this serve as fair warning that all material is fair game in our talk.