Warp Trails: Picard #2-02 Penance

by Warp Trails

Picard and his companions find themselves on an alternate Earth under the control of a totalitarian regime that has conquered the galaxy.

Picard is not alone in the alternate reality to which Q brought him. Seven, Rios, Elnor, Raffi, and Jurati are all there too in unfamiliar roles. And, although they are scattered across the world and the galaxy, they soon work to reunite and formulate a plan on how best to restore their timeline. One thing is for certain: time is broken, and to fix the present, they must time travel to the past. The question is: how to do that? The answer seemingly lies with one of the greatest threats Starfleet and the Federation have ever known.

In this episode, we discuss:

  • Whether Q is mentally unstable,
  • The condition of Chateau Picard and the enslaved Romulans,
  • How much Q shaped this alternate reality and defined Picard and his companion’s roles,
  • Seven of Nines unexpected role in this alternate galaxy,
  • How Captain Rios realized where he was,
  • Jurati’s improvisational skills, and
  • How much this crew can trust a Borg Queen to get them where they need to go.

Theme music licensed from MediaMusicNow.

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Welcome to Warp Trails. This weekly show reviews each episode of Star Trek, from Discovery to Picard and Lower Decks, the latest incarnations of Star Trek airing on CBS All Access, and discusses Star Trek news. Your hosts are Dennis and Beth Keithly, a husband and wife team living in Texas. Beth is an old school fan of Star Trek whose fandom is grounded in The Original Series. Meanwhile, Dennis is a relatively more recent fan who traces his fandom to Star Trek II: The Wrath of Kahn. Since they met, Dennis and Beth made consumption of Star Trek content part of their weekly routine. The have also named four of their past six pets after Star Trek characters.

Warp Trails is a RetroZap Exclusive Podcast. Subscribe to the RetroZap Podcast Network to get this and every other RetroZap show!

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