Warp Trails #113: Discovery – “Face the Strange” – 0504

by Warp Trails

Captain Michael Burnham and Commander Raynar find common ground while hopping back and forth through time while trying to rescue Discovery.

The search for the next clue to the stash of Progenitor technology gets sidetracked when a Krenim chronophage infects Discovery and sends it into a seemingly random trip through time. Captain Burnham and Commander Rayner find themselves traveling through the time jumps together as they work towards a solution that will rescue Discovery. However, they will have to come to an understanding on how to operate the ship before that can happen. This trip takes a several twists before Burnham and Rayner can successfully save the ship and the Federation from a disastrous future in this episode of Star Trek: Discovery.

In this episode, we discuss:

  • Overall differences in story between this season of Star Trek: Discovery and prior seasons,
  • L’ak and Moll acquiring the Krenim chronophage that is used to sabotage the Discovery,
  • Captain Bunrham reprimanding Commander Raynar for his behavior towards the officers on the bridge,
  • The nature of the sabotage and why Burnham and Raynar are not affected by it (or Stamets for that matter),
  • The different eras of time that Burnham, Raynar, and Stammets jump to on this adventure,
  • To what degree the Temporal Prime Directive applies in this story,
  • Michael Burnham confronting her past self, and
  • How Commander Raynar learns about the value of connecting with the crew through this adventure.

Theme music licensed from MediaMusicNow.

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Welcome to Warp Trails. This weekly show reviews each episode of Star Trek, from Discovery to Picard and Lower Decks, the latest incarnations of Star Trek airing on CBS All Access, and discusses Star Trek news. Your hosts are Dennis and Beth Keithly, a husband and wife team living in Texas. Beth is an old school fan of Star Trek whose fandom is grounded in The Original Series. Meanwhile, Dennis is a relatively more recent fan who traces his fandom to Star Trek II: The Wrath of Kahn. Since they met, Dennis and Beth made consumption of Star Trek content part of their weekly routine. The have also named four of their past six pets after Star Trek characters.

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