The Deucecast Movie Show Episode 363: Movie Surprises of 2018

by RetroZap Staff

Dave, Mikey, and #TwitterlessDrEarl invite Mr. Independent Jeremy Burgess on to discuss the movies that surprised them in 2018.

Another 2018 in review episode commences, all leading up to the Top Ten of 2018 (coming soon!), but this around, its the Movie Surprises of 2018. Mikey, Dave, and Alison Brie Larsen Lover #TwitterlessDrEarl welcome in Mr Independent himself, Friend of the Show Jeremy Burgess to talk all about a little of everything.

Kicking in first with a review of Burgess’ IMDb page and some random up and coming actors in the area, including the infamous Daniel Scheinert (who??), an untitled project that Burgess may or may not have let slip (what??) and a rousing round of Rotten Tomatoes Potpourri… one that lasts a long time because four people playing to five can sometimes take a while.

Then, the crew jumps into the topic at hand, the movies in 2018 that surprised everyone — didn’t think they’d enjoy but sat back and thought “Well whaddya know, that was pretty entertaining…”

Movies like Hotel Artemis… Aquaman… more Nic Cage… The Heartbreak Kid Mr. Wrestlemania The Showstopper HBK Shawn Michaels… and even some Venom Venom… Venom Venom Venom….

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The Deucecast Movie Show is a podcast done by movie fans for movie fans of all kinds. Hosts Mikey, Dave, and featured friend of the show #TwitterlessDrEarl, along with a rotating cast of fun guests, discuss all sorts of movies–from new to old, fantastic to craptastic and everything in between.  Expect themed episodes, feature lists, favorite movies, and tournaments pitting movie against movie or actor against act because we love a good bracket. Play along with movie games like “Denzel” or “The Ryan Philippe Game,” then participate in voting in the annual Deucie Awards and yell at us when someone defends a Damon Wayans movie as “nearly the perfect film.” If you love movies, then you’ll love The Deucecast Movie Show!

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The Deucecast Movie Show #363: Movie Surprises of 2018

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