The Deucecast Movie Show #478: Actresses Who Make Everything Better

by RetroZap Staff

There are those moments when watching a movie when a certain actress pops up on screen that we immediately know it will be a good movie.

We have all seen movies that have certain actors show up, and whether consciously or sub-, and we know the movie just got better… or the bad movie just got decent. Or the great movie just got great. Actors that make movies better.

Mikey, Dave, and #TwitterlessDrEarl invite in the Spawn of Ryfun, the pride of TyTy, Georgia, Lil G, Garrison Ryfun to discuss those very actors.

First up, a little Word Up, finding out who thinks what about J-Lo & A-Rod… the impact of Disney+ Marvel movies… and predictions on move box offices.

Then, a list of the ladies who we love to see show up in films, some character actresses, some GuGu, some Garfunkel & Oates, and which Mara is better. And Kristy McNicol.


The Deucecast podcast, movie


The Deucecast Movie Show is a podcast done by movie fans for movie fans of all kinds. Hosts Mikey, Dave, and featured friend of the show #TwitterlessDrEarl, along with a rotating cast of fun guests, discuss all sorts of movies–from new to old, fantastic to craptastic and everything in between.  Expect themed episodes, feature lists, favorite movies, and tournaments pitting movie against movie or actor against act because we love a good bracket. Play along with movie games like “Denzel” or “The Ryan Philippe Game,” then participate in voting in the annual Deucie Awards and yell at us when someone defends a Damon Wayans movie as “nearly the perfect film.” If you love movies, then you’ll love The Deucecast Movie Show! We love to interact with our listeners so please subscribe to the podcast and send us an email, tweets, and comments as you listen at your leisure. The more the merrier, so thanks for tuning in!

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