TechnoRetro Dads: Remembering Connery and Other Legends
We pay tribute to the memory of Sir Sean Connery (and others) when we look back at some of the movies that made a difference to up. And the November 1980 issue of Starlog focuses on Mark Hamill in the Magazine Rack.
I would like to dedicate this episode (and all the others too!) to my very own Dad, who passed away last week. Thanks to all you Earbuds that sent your kind thoughts and words. And thanks to my Pop who made all this possible. -Shua

Shua and his Dad watching Star Wars
Connery. Sean Connery. The legendary actor passed away at age 90 recently. But he left behind a slew of memorable films and set a bar for a generation of machismo higher than just about anyone else. Jay and Shua look back at some of the greatest ones and Shua remembers how his father turned him onto the actor.
TechnoRetro Cereal -News
General Mills has once again begun to include some toys in their cereal. But how long will Cereal be around? Well, the village of Cereal, anyway. And keep your eye out for the latest cereal flavor in the grocery store aisles as Cinnamon Toast Crunch-flavored milk will soon be a reality.
Magazine Rack
In November of 1980, The Empire Strikes Back had changed the way we saw Sci-Fi in the cinema, and we couldn’t get enough of it. This issue features the long-awaited interview with Mark Hamill who may have predicted the future of Star Wars almost 40 years ahead of time. Plue, the state of science fiction on TV as Starlog looks at everything available from the point of view of the culture that gave us the foundation for everything we have today.
The Star Wars Holiday Special!
It’s been 42 years since CBS graced us with the first Star Wars sequel. It’s aged like a fine cheese. Whether you love it, hate it, or pretend it doesn’t exist, it’s always fun to talk about. But what would it look like if it aired today? We recast a modern day version and speculate what it would look like to a whole new generation to be embarrassed by.
Season 2 of Disney+’s hit series is back. Jay and Shua give their brief impressions of how it’s looking so far.
Movie Legends
Did your dad turn you on to Sean Connery movies? Ours did. The late actor left behind a library of movies to inspire your machismo. We look at some of the most memorable roles of Sir Sean that made a difference to us.
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Join Jovial Jay and JediShua each week for a look back at the ’70s and ’80s as they share the fun and also fandom of their youth with their families, friends, and EarBuds. Topics include TV, film, music, toys, and games of the ’70s and ’80s like Atari, Nintendo, Sega, and arcade games as well as franchises which have continued into the 21st Century, especially Star Wars, Tron, and Back to the Future. The TechnoRetro Dads create new stories as old legends are passed down from one generation to the next.
If you’re a TechnoRetro Dad, the child of one, or just appreciate the ’70s and ’80s, then this podcast is definitely for you!