What’s bigger than your average gorilla? Who made aspiring actress Jessica Lange famous? Why do apes have big nostrils? Find out here!
JediShua and shazbazzar prepare for the future (later this week) with a look back at the past (1976) as they watch King Kong and recall their first glimpses of the iconic “great ape” in the best Kong movie ever projected on the silver screen.
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King Kong Greets Dwan and Kevin Flynn
Greetings, Programs!
TRON is in the news again (sort of), and is heavily featured in this week’s episode of TechnoRetro Dads (well, FLYNN is, anyway) as shazbazzar and JediShua take another look at King Kong from 1976, monkey around with ‘Dad jokes, and finally get to some Feedback from our EarBuds. Get ready for 77 seconds…er uh…minutes of gigantic gorilla goodness on the first Monday of March!
In the NEWS…
Dungeons & Dragons might find its next incarnation in the form of buildable modules built of smaller modules. Tune in to find out more. Joseph Kosinski talks about TRON Ascension, seven earth-sized planets less than a Kessel Run away, and memories of Bill Paxton.
Let’s All Go to the Movies…
…and watch Kong: Skull Island. But before we go, we take a peek at earlier versions and revisit the Dino De Laurentiis 1976 King Kong with Jessica Lange, Charles Grodin, and Kevin Flynn with beautiful hair. The classic creation from 1933 is reimagined during the energy crisis of the ‘70s with a naïve wannabe actress with a penchant for skimpy clothes, a troped-up bad guy from a greedy petroleum corporation, the original USER Kevin Flynn, and Odo from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. Remember the ‘70s with great references to ‘70s pop culture with short shorts, patriotic colors, and pet rocks (Petrox) in King Kong. After all, with Kong: Skull Island premiering later this week, it only seems reasonable to remind ourselves of “the most exciting original motion picture event of all time.”
History Lesson
After the W Files and before the Y Files were the X Files (at least that’s what we want to believe). Adam Sandler finishes fifth grade (before JediShua started teaching fifth grade). Weyland Industries leaves out the eighth vertical so the ‘Dads can claim it. Bright Eyes gets her “treatment”. Scarlett Johansson unintentionally embodies the singularity. The One is born. Yes, by “One” we mean “Neo”, otherwise known as Mr. Anderson. Which reminds us of this week’s brief Aftershock of 1977: Philip K. Dick predicted The Matrix at the Metz Sci-Fi Convention in France.
Rory O’Toole finds an old bag from Video Exchange and reveals a license plate Easter egg in American Graffiti. Starships, Sabers, and Scoundrels’ Dennis Keithly and Darth Taxus spice up the 8-Track discussion with a Pumpkin Marshmallow “Spirit in the Sky”, the Spider-Pan can’t figure out “What a Fool Believes”, D$ discovers The Legal Sword of Shunnarah, and Jedi Arjii finds a way to make Rocky even better — more Star Wars!
TechnoRetro Dads go bananas for big primates this week, and want more electronic-Ms and voice mails from our EarBuds. So let us know what you’re thinking on social media, or you can give us your feedback and let us know what you think by calling our voice mail line at (209) 878-7323 or sending us an mp3 via electronic-M to podcast@TechnoRetroDads.com. Don’t forget to rate and review TechnoRetro Dads on iTunes!
Share and enjoy!
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Join shazbazzar and JediShua each week for a look back at the ’70s and ’80s as they share the fun and also fandom of their youth with their families, friends, and EarBuds. Topics include TV, film, music, toys, and games of the ’70s and ’80s as well as franchises which have continued into the 21st Century, like Star Wars, TRON, and King Kong. TechnoRetro Dads is a blend of new stories as old legends are then passed down from one generation to the next.
If you’re a TechnoRetro Dad, the child of one, or just want to relive the ’70s and ’80s today, then this podcast is for you!