When trying to prevent the future leads to unintended consequences for Spider-Man.
From Spider-Man to Titanium Man, with the Hulk, the Atom, and Shazam in between, this Awesome Hero Mix is super!
In Amazing Spider-Man #1, Spider-Man meets the man that can see the future and learns of the dilemma.
Will Powers of Deep Silver joins in on the fun to discuss the company’s past and future titles and, of course, retro gaming!
May the Fourth will be with you Wednesday, but today shazbazzar and JediShua look forward to Captain America: Civil War by looking back to the various incarnations of Captain America …
Bill is feeling down on Star Wars this week, so he’s sharing some of his favorite non-Star Wars figures.
The web slinger is primed to join the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Now what? Let’s speculate.