This episode starts with news of the The Bad Batch animated series, discuss the Aphra audiobook excerpt, and then turns to Alexander Freed’s Shadow Fall.
Aphra’s past emerges once again to complicate her life on multiple levels. Plus, Doctor Aphra #38 proves working for Darth Vader is a difficult career path.
Doctor Aphra and Dok-Ondar had a deal to retrieve an artifact, but true to her nature, Aphra had other plans. Now, in Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge #4, the First Order is closing in.
In Doctor Aphra #27, Aphra looks for solutions while an obstinate droid inadvertently sabotages her efforts. Things go from bad to worse for Aphra in an issue with amazing writing and dialogue.
Aphra’s escape from Akkresker Jail proceeds at a complicated pace in Doctor Aphra #24. Aphra’s problems are like the Hydra. Get rid of one and two take its place.
Aphra takes a back seat in an issue that could only succeed because of her in Doctor Aphra Annual #2.
Aphra and her allies begin a desperate escape from Akkresker Jail in Doctor Aphra #23.
When Aphra’s old flame and her current flame both come to her rescue, things get awkward in Doctor Aphra #22.
In case anyone forgot, Aphra proves she is both smart and morally flexible in Doctor Aphra #18.
Tolvan catches up to Aphra, and she isn’t quite sure what to do about it.
The quest for “The Enormous Profit” ends with a reset in Doctor Aphra #13.
Krrsantan’s history comes into focus in Doctor Aphra Annual #1.
Doctor Aphra selects a buyer for the Rur crystal in Doctor Aphra #10.