SCubed Anticipates Celebration Orlando and dissects Cassian Andor in Episode 22.
Starships, Sabers, and Scoundrels examines Cassian Andor the antihero from Rogue One with Michael Nipp.
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Starships Sabers and Scoundrels #22: Andor the Antihero
Previously SCubedPod explored Jyn Erso‘s adventure in Rogue One. Next, Taxus and Dennis turned to the dark side to discuss the Imperial power players behind the Death Star. In episode twenty-two, they examine Cassian Andor the antihero of Rogue One.
Recent News
There is more Star Wars news than usual this week. The guys start an extended news segment by discussing the beginning of filming for the Han Solo movie. Next, it is no surprise that they turn to developments at Disney World concerning the future Star Wars lands. After that, fans nominated a popular actress to play Ahsoka in a live action Star Wars movie. Who was it and what did she think? In comic news, Marvel announced their next crossover event. Who does it feature and what is it about? Plus, there are three other upcoming books to discuss, a Grammy award for John Williams, and speculation about the future of The Clone Wars on Netflix.
Sith Sabers Are Red, Jedi Use Blue
It’s Valentine’s Day! To celebrate, Darth Taxus collected messages of adoration and love from around the galaxy. Now, Dennis must guess who sent these Star Wars tidings of affection to whom. Can he do it? Or, will Cupid’s messages fool him?
Star Wars Celebration Orlando Updates
Up next, as of today, there are 59 days until Star Wars Celebration Orlando. Therefore, it is time to discuss recent Celebration announcements. On, Reed Pop and Lucasfilm announced the first three actors to sign autographs at Celebration. Michael Nipp, from The Deucecast Movie Show and Card Trader Illuminerdy joins the show to discuss the news and share some Celebration tips.
Andor the Antihero
Jyn Erso answered the call and became a hero of the Rebellion. Baze Malbus and Chirrut Imwe stood watch over the Kyber Temple on Jedha before joining Jyn’s cause. And, Bodhi Rook sought redemption for his service to the Empire. What about Cassian Andor? Cassian starts Rogue One murdering an informant and immediately establishes himself as a different kind of Rebel. But, what makes him tick and what are his goals? Michael Nipp sticks around as SCubed Pod analyses Andor the antihero.
Listen to The Deucecast Movie Show here.
You can also listen to Cart Trader Illuminerdy here.
Silence Fools
Finally, it wouldn’t be an episode of Starships, Sabers, and Scoundrels, if the guys didn’t address some listener feedback. Of course, this means there is another edition of “Silence Fools!” This time, a dedicated listener and frequent emailer has a question about Death Troopers. Then, another listener has questions about potential Star Wars plot holes. When listeners have questions, Dennis and Taxus try to find answers. Also, one listener left an iTunes review. The guys always promise to reader their reviews and emails, and therefore, Dennis and Taxus share and respond in Silence Fools!
Another episode of Starships, Sabers, and Scoundrles is here. Even if it is Valentine’s Day, we hope you’ll join us for our own brand of Star Wars coverage. We’re ready for a good time, are you? Once again, thanks for joining us for episode 22 of Starships, Sabers, and Scoundrels.

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Welcome Jedi, Sith, smugglers, nerf herders and moof milkers too! Starships Sabers and Scoundrels is a bi-weekly Star Wars discussion show and a project started by two first-generation Star Wars fans. Inspired by the Star Wars fan community, RetroZappers Dennis Keithly and Darth Taxus share their take on what’s happening in Star Wars! They’ll discuss larger topics in the “Hyperthetical” segment. Then, they’ll delve into listener feedback with the Darth Taxus-hosted segment, “Silence Fools!” Additionally, movies, books, comics, television, and community news are all on the holotable as the Dark Lord of Tax and Dennis share their fandom for everything from that galaxy far, far away.
Find them on Twitter at @SCubedPod and on Facebook. Email them at
Dennis is on Twitter at @DJKver2 and Darth Taxus is @DarthTaxus.
Starships Sabers and Scoundrels #22: Andor the Antihero