Star Wars Fan Perspective: Everything Changes This Week

by Michael Harris

New RetroZap writer Michael Harris shares his excitement and anticipation as a (nearly) lifelong Star Wars fan.

by Michael Harris

In just a few days, everything changes.  For the forseeable future, we will be getting a new Star Wars film every year, at least through 2019.  This is something I never thought would happen; the Skywalker saga was done–something George Lucas had stated many times over the years–and the only way we would get new stories were through media such as books, comics, etc.  Certainly no more films.  I for one was unsure of the future of Star Wars.

Star Wars Fan

My fandom began in 1991, when I was 10 years old.  I know that I had some of the original action figures before this, but I don’t recall seeing the movies. We rented A New Hope one night, and watched it at the fire station that my dad volunteered for. That was it, I was sold. This timing just happened to coincide with the release of the first novel to kick of the official “Expanded Universe,” Timothy Zahn’s Heir to the Empire. The books that came after fleshed out the timeline beyond Return of the Jedi for over 40 years, following our heroes from the original trilogy.  These first books in hindsight may not have all been winners, yet will always hold a special place in my heart.  It WAS Star Wars. I had no idea what was coming.

Because I missed the boat on experiencing that first generation of films while they were in theaters, 1997 was the first time that I was able to see the films on the big screen–they way they were meant to be seen. It was incredible, Greedo shooting first and all. But this was just a precursor. The rumors were starting to leak out; we were getting more movies! I collected everything I could at this time, from newspaper clippings to toys, but that was not nearly what’s out there today. This was also before the Internet was everywhere, so I had to rely on Star Wars Insider and whispers in dark alleys for any news.

Star Wars Fan

Toys were hitting the shelves again, Star Wars was back.  I was a senior in high school the year that The Phantom Menace was released. I had to “leave school early” to stand in line with my friends to buy tickets. I even dressed as Darth Vader, albeit a very bad looking Vader, for the midnight show.  I was the only one in costume. Each of following films in 2002 and 2005 saw me in very different places in my life, but Star Wars was always a part of me.

After the buzz wore off, I was left wondering, “Whats next?” George was done: no more films, it’s over. The prequel films breathed new life into the franchise, and we got more books, comics, television and toys than you could shake a lightsaber at.  Could all of this keep the Star Wars machine running another 30 years without any film releases?  I didn’t think so.

Star Wars has been a way to hang on to my youth while also sharing it with my son. When the last film, the “final film” hit theaters in 2005, my son was six months old. Obviously he did not make the premiere. I never thought we would get to experience a new film together. Growing up, he had The Clone Wars, and that is his Star Wars. Of course he loves the films, but it’s interesting seeing how different his experience will be starting from a different place.

Star Wars Fan

He gets to experience it in a whole new way. We go to a lot of events: Star Wars days at libraries and baseball games, anywhere else the 501st troops. How would my fandom be different if I hadn’t grown up during the dark times. He is now 11, and we will both make the 7:00 pm showing on December 17, and I’m sure it’s something we will never forget! I also have an 8 month old daughter, and while she definitely won’t be coming, she will have Star Wars in her life from the get-go. Seeing her grow up with it will be a different experience, especially with a slew of more powerful female characters on the way.

At the heart of it all, Star Wars is about family. When you strip away the spaceships and lightsabers, it’s about children and parents. That’s why I’ve been a fan my whole life; there is more to it. It’s an amazing moral tale about living forever in your children. When life is stressful, I can always put it on and watch it with my kids, and see it through their eyes. Maybe someday they’ll put it on for their children, and they’ll experience it that way too.

I hope everyone has an amazing time this week.  We finally made it. We’re home!

Star Wars Fan

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