SHIELD: Case Files: Loki #203 “1893”

by Agents of Shield: Case Files

Victor Timely is living nicely in 1893, showing his inventions at the World’s Fair until Loki, Mobius, Sylvie, and Renslayer all show up on SHIELD: Case Files.

After Victor Timely is given the TVA manual by Renslayer, he grows up to be an inventor and con-man who shows off his creations at the 1893 Chicago World’s Fair.

That’s where everyone starts to gather to get Timely for themselves. Renslayer and Miss Minutes show up to bring him with them. Loki and Mobius track her in hopes to bring Timely back to the TVA to stop its destruction. And Sylvie arrives to kill him. Who should get their way and where will Timely end up? Jay and Josh grab some Cracker Jack and enjoy the show on SHIELD: Case Files.

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SHIELD: Case Files

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