SHIELD: Case Files: Loki #101 “Glorious Purpose”

by Agents of Shield: Case Files

Loki escapes his destined Asgardian imprisonment but is swiftly apprehended by the TVA where Mobius hopes he can be useful on SHIELD: Case Files.

When Loki took the opportunity to grab the tesseract after the Avengers’ time traveling escapades, he thought he got away scott free.

But he was quickly apprehended by the Time Variance Authority for messing with the sacred timeline. It didn’t take Loki too long before he realized that the TVA seemed to be the most powerful force in the universe. He wouldn’t have stood a chance except that Agent Mobius saw the potential in the God of Mischief that he could help the TVA find an even more dangerous variant. Jay and Josh try to figure out what the heck a fish is on SHIELD: Case Files.

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