Wilson Fisk and Matt Murdock are trying to live the lives they’ve chosen, but they continue to be pulled towards their past on SHIELD: Case Files.
Can Wilson Fisk be a good mayor for New York? Can Matt Murdock be the best lawyer and help the little guy?
The answers to both of these questions may not be what either wants as they continue to be tempted towards their old ways. And maybe it’s exactly what the city needs. Jay and Josh share some Fiddle Faddle on SHIELD: Case Files.
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Make sure you’ve got your security clearance! You’ve been approved as a covert operative to take part in the weekly discussion and commentary of Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD with Directors Shepard & Stolte. Weekly briefings include reviewing the latest mission from Agent Coulson and his operatives, as well as examining the comic book references and tie-ins for each episode. Viewing of the recent episode is not required, but will assist in your comprehension of the briefing. Make sure you badge is visible and welcome to Level 7!