Scarlet Velocity #817: Keep It Dark

by Scarlet Velocity

“Keep it Dark” – Allegra wants to break a story but puts her source in danger as the Arañas attack and Barry tracks down a mysterious speedster on Scarlet Velocity: A Flash Podcast!

Lydia, her source from an old news story, wants to skip town because her old gang, the Arañas, is trying to recruit her to come back. Fearing for her life, she asks for Allegra’s help. But Allegra wants to use Lydia to expose the dangerous gang, now being led by Sunshine and Dr. Light. But before they can break the story, both women, Chester, and Citizen reporters get trapped in the office with no hope of escape unless Allegra reveals her meta powers. Meanwhile Flash tries to track down a new speedster in town by asking an imprisoned Eobard Thawne some questions. Jay and Josh hide from the power company by turning off all the lights on this week’s episode of Scarlet Velocity: A Flash Podcast!

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Scarlet Velocity: A Flash Podcast

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