Podcast Stardust #864: The Clone Wars – “Senate Spy” 204

by Podcast Stardust

While Senator Amidala spies on an old flame in the Senate, a very jealous Anakin Skywalker goes undercover as her pilot and bodyguard as they attempt to find evidence of corruption.

We are starting another week with the next episode in our The Clone Wars re-watch. This week, we look at “Senate Spy.” When the Jedi suspect Senator Rush Clovis of working with the Separatists, they ask Senator Amidala to spy on her colleague. Padmé initially refuses until her secret husband, Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker, forbids her from taking the mission. After that she changes her mind and accepts the mission to Anakin’s dismay. There is a lot to talk about when it comes to this episode of The Clone Wars, and we are excite for you to join us on this episode of Podcast Stardust.

In this fully armed and operational episode of Podcast Stardust, we discuss:

  • Our overall thoughts on “Senate Spy,”
  • What this episode is actually about,
  • The complicated relationship between Neimoidia, the Trade Federation, the Republic, and the Separatists,
  • Senator Rush Clovis, Senator for the Banking Clan and former love interest for Senator Amidala,
  • The tension between Padmé and Anakin throughout this episode and their quarrels,
  • Senator Lott Dod’s reception of Amidala on Neimoidia,
  • Padmé’s role as spy, and
  • The resolution of this mission.

For more discussion of The Clone Wars, check out episode 861.

Thanks for joining us for another episode. Please subscribe wherever you listen to podcasts and spread the word to all of your Star Wars friends. May the Force be with you!

Don’t forget to check out our last episode featuring Revenge of the Sith trivia in episode 863.

Contact the Hosts

Dennis Keithly can be followed @DJKver2 and Jay Krebs is @JoyceKrebs.

Follow Jay’s cosplay adventures at J.Snips Cosplay on Instagram.

Find all of our episodes and Jay’s unboxing videos on YouTube.

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Podcast Stardust is the fully armed and operational podcast inspired by the code name for the Death Star. Hosted by first-generation Star Wars fans, Dennis Keithly and Jay Krebs, Podcast Stardust endeavors to bring thought provoking discussion on recent Star Wars news on a weekly basis. Between news episodes, Dennis and Jay review the latest episodes from Star Wars television covering everything from ResistanceRebels, and The Clone Wars to The Mandalorian and other live action productions on Disney+. Of course, Podcast Stardust wouldn’t be complete without thematic discussions, top ten lists, and interviews on everything from Star Wars literature, comics, and the films themselves.

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