Welcome to a new series showcasing the photography of Bill Drewnowski. First up is Black Series Greedo.
In addition to being one half of The Trade Federation, Bill Drewnowski has a remarkable talent for photographing action figures. There’s something about his photos that captures a kineticism and character for each figure that brings it to life. For the first installment, Bill chose his first photo: Star Wars The Black Series Greedo, an early figure from the first wave of the line. While this figure remains a peg warmer to this day, Bill breathes life into him to make it an indispensable figure.
Bill writes:
“A little over a year ago I started collecting action figures, mostly Star Wars. I became a member of the subreddit r/actionfigures, and saw u/prologic9’s Revoltech TMNT gallery. He was kind enough to show me how he composed his photographs, and I decided to give it a shot. Black Series Greedo was one of my first figures and I think this is probably my favorite shot. In fact I liked it so much that it became my Twitter header, and Greedo has become a visual favorite of mine from the saga. This is the Hasbro 6” Black Series Greedo and in my opinion it’s an underrated figure. I hear complaints about the fact that he is under-accessorized, but I’m really not sure what else he would come with.“
About Photographic Plastic
Bill Drewnowski has an eye for a good photo. Whether it’s the color, or the lighting, or the framing, or the pose, or the figure itself, I cannot say–but when Bill take a photo of the action figures, they seem to come to life. Have a look at Bill’s compositions here, and read into his ideas about the shoot as well as the figure. You’ll find the photographer has some strong opinions about his muse, and it’s hard to argue against them.
Born in 1976, Bill Drewnowski grew up surrounded by Star Wars, the likely reason for his love of a great story. Now a father living in New England, Bill teaches high school English, including courses in science fiction and fantasy. Bill enjoys collecting books, posters, action figures, trading cards (including a huge Magic the Gathering obsession), and of course all things Star Wars. His favorite book is Moby Dick by Herman Melville. You can follow Bill on Twitter @DorkLair and Instagram @TheDorkLair.