Love, Death, and Robots Plus #36: Jibaro

by Love Death and Robots Plus

In Episode 36 a siren attempts to stop a group of knights looking for gold. But what happens when one cannot hear?

Deep in a forest, a band of knights take a break in their journey next to a small lake. Unbeknownst to them, the water is the home of a siren, whose body is covered in golden scales and jewels. She rises from the lake and ensorcells the knights, compelling them to a watery doom. Only one knight, deaf and unable to hear her calls, is immune to her spell and though he is initially frightened of what she can do, his greed drives him closer to the siren, who likewise seems intrigued by his ability to resist her powers. The two engage in a short-lived semblance of courtship, before the knight violently knocks the siren unconscious and strips her of her scales and gems. He disposes of her body in the river when he’s done and the blood that flows from her injuries seems to curse the water. When the knight accidentally takes a drink, his hearing is restored, but the miracle is short lived as the vengeful siren sings out and the knight is helpless. The short ends with his drowned body coming to rest on the lake bottom amongst the rest of his companions.

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