Love, Death, and Robots Plus #35: In Vaulted Halls Entombed

by Love Death and Robots Plus

In Episode 35 a special forces team finds more than they planned for in a mysterious temple in a cave!

When a Special Forces team advances into a mysterious cave in pursuit of enemy fighters with a hostage, they end up getting way more than they bargained for. They stumble across several dead bodies just before they’re attacked by a horde of flesh-eating spiders, who chase the survivors deeper into the cave system until they stumble upon a massive cavern with a temple seemingly made for giants. Unable to resist a mysterious pull that calls them closer, the remaining pair of soldiers discover a monstrous demi-god chained in the temple. When it possesses the commanding officer, his subordinate defends herself and then takes extreme action to prevent herself from doing the monster’s bidding. She stumbles out of the cave alive, but blinded and whispering an alien language.

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