Love, Death, and Robots Plus #3: Ice Age

by Love Death and Robots Plus

In Episode 3 we get to see what happens as a couple watches time pass much more quickly, in their freezer!

“Ice Age” tells the story of a couple that moves into an apartment and they discover an antique ice box left by the former occupants. While getting some ice, they discover the remains of a tiny mammoth frozen in an ice cube. Further exploration leads to the discovery of an entire civilization living in the ice box. Over the course of the day, the couple observes them moving through the stages of development up to what would be modern times, and even a nuclear war. Despite their fears, the small civilization survives and develops to a point where their technology is far beyond our own, and the civilization disappears into a singularity. The couple goes to bed assuming the micro civilization is gone, only to find that in the morning proto-humans and dinosaurs living in the box, starting the cycle over again.

Join us as we uncover the mystery “Ice Age”, on this episode of Love, Death, and Robots Plus!

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