Enjoy Stuff: TechoRetro-chauns

by Enjoy Stuff

Enjoy Stuff: TechoRetro-chauns

Fightin’ Irish! This week we pit Darby O’Gill and the Little People against Leprechaun! A fight for all the gold at the end of the rainbow! Who will be the Lucky one on Enjoy Stuff?

In this corner A leader of his elusive clan who can hold his liquor and sing a song quicker; King Brian of Knocknasheega! And in this corner: A bitter penny pincher Endors or outdoors, whether he’s hanging from a Willow tree or Flitwicking from here to there; Leprechaun!


$87,000 for a single Cheeto? What a bargain!

fancy cheeto

Now you can listen to the continuing story of V in a new audiobook set in the United Kingdom

V UK- Visitation

Check out the giant LEGO set featuring Mario Cart

mario kart

Slippery When Wet is now really wet

bon jovi

Download the sixth book in Derek Beebe’s famous Dynasty book series

Derek Beebe


Check out our TeePublic store for some enjoyable swag and all the latest fashion trends

Have Fun Smile More Enjoy Stuff


What we’re Enjoying

You don’t have to see the first 16 movies to Enjoy Mickey 17. Shua saw the new Bong Joon Ho and starring Robert Pattinson. A powerful tale of class and cloning that will really make you think. Jay tuned in for the third season of Reacher starring the very large Alan Ritchson. A good adaptation of the book series. Check it out on Prime Video.

Mickey 17 Reacher S3

Sci-Fi Saturdays

This week on Sci-Fi Saturdays Jay fights for the Users with the long-awaited sequel from 2010, TRON: Legacy. It still holds up as a visually stunning movie, even with a little Uncanny Valley of Jeff Bridges. And there’s some super sweet light cycles. Read his article on RetroZap.com. And make sure to play around with the interactive map on MCULocationScout.com. Plus, you can tune in to SHIELD: Case Files where Jay and Shua talk about great stuff in the MCU.

TRON: Legacy

Enjoy Four Leaf Clovers! 

In 1959 Darby O’Gill tried to convince the village that he knew the king of the Leprechauns in a classic Disney movie. In 1993 Warwick Davis brought the legendary figures into the horror genre with the popular Leprechaun. This week we compare the two movies in honor of St. Patrick’s Day. Which has the best plot? How about special effects? Use of magic? We look at it all and crown the greenest winner. Tune in for all the deets of the history of the lucky little ones and find out which big stars got lucky with their careers by appearing with the fortuitous sprites. 

leprechaun history lucky charms darby o'gill and the little people leprechaun movie

Little Man at Disneyland

Here’s where the Little Man at Disneyland lives!

Be sure to check out Jay’s 31 Days of Horror article on Leprechaun!


Which green team were you rooting for? Can you think of another leprechaun movie? First person that emails me with the subject line, “They’re always after me lucky charms” will get a special mention on the show.  Let us know. Come talk to us in the Discord channel or send us an email to EnjoyStuff@RetroZap.com 


We truly appreciate all you Earbuds who have hopped on board and joined us for our next chapter! Join in the fun by reaching out to us! And make sure to Share and Enjoy with all your friends!

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