Enjoy Stuff: TechnoRetroSpective

by Enjoy Stuff

Enjoy Stuff: TechnoRetroSpective

Jay and Shua look back at all the Stuff they Enjoyed in 2024 and what might be something to look forward to next year on Enjoy Stuff.

As we say goodbye to the year, we try to remember to the long long ago and revisit some of the great stuff we


The Ghostbusters are getting an animated movie on Netflix


Now you can visit a Transformers store

transformers store

The last 2 Sam Goody stores have finally closed their doors

sam goody

Check out our TeePublic store for some enjoyable swag and all the latest fashion trends

Have Fun Smile More Enjoy Stuff


What we’re Enjoying

Jay is having a great time with the third and final season of Marvel’s What If…? on Disney+. Great tales in the Marvel multiverse with your favorite character and even voiced by many of the original actors from the live action movies and series. Shua has been getting very retro by listening to the great Satchamo himself, Louis Armstrong. He was an amazing jazz talent with a legacy that will endure forever.

what if Louis Armstrong

Sci-Fi Saturdays

This week on Sci-Fi Saturdays Jay writes about the 2009 reboot of Star Trek with Chris Pine, Zach Quinto, and a variety of talented actors and actresses that give their interpretations of the beloved characters. It divided fans a bit, but there were great things in this, the first of three movies. Read his article on RetroZap.com.  And make sure to play around with the interactive map on MCULocationScout.com. Plus, you can tune in to SHIELD: Case Files where Jay and Shua talk about great stuff in the MCU.

Star Trek

Enjoy Looking Back! 

2024 brought such a plethora of things to Enjoy. As we say goodbye to the year, we look back on a bunch of the things that we remember. Or some of the things that we forgot. Believe it or not, January feels like a distant memory. We also look forward to what might come in the new year. Come with us on a journey of the year on Enjoy Stuff. 

2024 collage

What were some of your favorite things from 2024? First person that emails me with the subject line, “Goodbye yellow brick road” will get a special mention on the show.  Let us know. Come talk to us in the Discord channel or send us an email to EnjoyStuff@RetroZap.com

We truly appreciate all you Earbuds who have hopped on board and joined us for our next chapter! Join in the fun by reaching out to us! And make sure to Share and Enjoy with all your friends!

Share and enjoy!

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