Enjoy Stuff: Dragons Not Dungeons

by Enjoy Stuff

Enjoy Stuff: Dragons Not Dungeons

In this fiery episode of Enjoy Stuff: A TechnoRetro Podcast, we dive into the scaly, smoke-spewing world of movie dragons, proving that not all beasts are as hot-headed as they seem (unless they’re really mad). Join us as we roast some of Hollywood’s most legendary fire-breathers—hopefully without getting singed!

A dragon, a dragon, I swear I saw a dragon! Revisit some of the most famous movie dragons on National Appreciate a Dragon Day!


Walter White’s house from Breaking Bad listed for sale at $4 million 

Walter White's house

The Last of Us Season 2 gets a release date

last of us season 2

Mysterious plate of bananas appears monthly on street corner

mysterious plate of bananas

Bill Nye the Science Guy awarded Presidential Medal of Freedom along with others like Michael J. Fox

Bill Nye presidential medal

Check out our TeePublic store for some enjoyable swag and all the latest fashion trends

Have Fun Smile More Enjoy Stuff


What we’re Enjoying

Jay got a little nutty by rewatching some old Jerry Lewis comedies. The Ladies Man and The Errand Boy are classic Lewis humor that is a great break from the real world. Shua is surprisingly enjoying the pirate themed series Star Wars Skeleton Crew. A romp through the galaxy that crosses Star Wars with the Goonies.

jerry lewis ladies man skeleton crew

Sci-Fi Saturdays

This week on Sci-Fi Saturdays Jay examines some social commentary with Neill Blomkamp’s District 9. The 2009 alien immigrant film reflects a sad and ugly truth about the way humans treat each other. A gritty story set in the near future that features a poor character slowly realizes that bigotry is an issue that everyone should be aware and try to eliminate. Read his article on RetroZap.com. And make sure to play around with the interactive map on MCULocationScout.com. Plus, you can tune in to SHIELD: Case Files where Jay and Shua talk about great stuff in the MCU.

District 9

Enjoy Dragons! 

Dragon tales have been told since the times of Mesopotamian mythology. Some believe that dragons may have been creatures to watch out for as far back as 75,000 years ago in South Africa. Whenever they began, their popularity has not waned. So when we began to make motion pictures, dragons were the perfect foils. We look at dragons from Puff to Maleficent to King Ghidorah. Are they rideable? What are some defining characteristics? Are they good or bad. Hop on for luck as Enjoy Stuff gets dragony!

falkor luck dragon elliot pete's dragon puff the magic dragon maleficent dragon Vermithrax Pejorative Dragonslayer king ghidorah

Who’s your favorite dragon? Where do they fall on our scale? First person that emails me with the subject line, “Who dares disturb my slumber?” will get a special mention on the show.  Let us know. Come talk to us in the Discord channel or send us an email to

We truly appreciate all you Earbuds who have hopped on board and joined us for our next chapter! Join in the fun by reaching out to us! And make sure to Share and Enjoy with all your friends!

Share and enjoy!

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