Enjoy Stuff: Daylight Saving Time Travel

by Enjoy Stuff

Enjoy Stuff: Daylight Saving Time Travel

As we “spring forward” for Daylight Saving Time, Enjoy Stuff explores movies where they time travel into the future! Set your way-forward machine for fun with Jay and Shua.

Time travel movies are a lot of people’s favorite. But most movies tell stories of our heroes going BACK in time. But we are hoping for a brighter FUTURE. Do these movies show something to look forward to or something more like today?


Jaws exhibit will open at the Academy Museum of Motion Pictures 

jaws exhibit

Star Trek: Khan prequel casts Naveen Andrews as the Title Role

star trek khan

Don’t have enough Nintendo systems? Good! Now you can get a LEGO Gameboy! 

lego game boy

Check out our TeePublic store for some enjoyable swag and all the latest fashion trends

Have Fun Smile More Enjoy Stuff


What we’re Enjoying

Jay’s rewatch of Stranger Things season 1 will begin the journey of preparing for the final season of the show. When you revisit the story that began so long ago, you discover things you didn’t notice the first time. Shua has been getting his science on by listening to The Great Courses series featuring Neil Degrasse Tyson’s “My Favorite Universe”. And now knowing how the universe works, we can fix everything. 

stranger things

Sci-Fi Saturdays

This week on Sci-Fi Saturdays Jay explores the dream world with the 2010 Christopher Nolan classic “Inception”. There’s so much to unpack in this film with every rewatch. And it’s not always obvious. Read his article on RetroZap.com. And make sure to play around with the interactive map on MCULocationScout.com. Plus, you can tune in to SHIELD: Case Files where Jay and Shua talk about great stuff in the MCU.


Enjoy Traveling to the Future! 

Spring forward in time with a time machine instead of an annoying alarm clock. There are many possibilities to imagine when you think about the future. Will cars fly? Will we have a utopia or a dystopia? How far do we need to go before we forget all the stupid things we are doing now? The movies help to guide us so we can hopefully take the right path. Come along on the journey with Jay and Shua as we explore some of our favorite future predictions Hollywood has given us. 

DST clock dst war time machine

Back to the Future 2

How does your future look?

Are we headed for a Star Trek or a Terminator? Would you go to the future or the past? First person that emails me with the subject line, “See ya in the future” will get a special mention on the show.  Let us know. Come talk to us in the Discord channel or send us an email to EnjoyStuff@RetroZap.com


We truly appreciate all you Earbuds who have hopped on board and joined us for our next chapter! Join in the fun by reaching out to us! And make sure to Share and Enjoy with all your friends!

Share and enjoy!

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