Another round of movie year match-ups! These are films in the The Entertaining Eight, taking their shot at the greatest movie year ever!
The Deucecast
With the winter almost over (though it barely started) Pinky, D$ and Mikey look ahead to movies coming out in March, April & May and make their Oscar picks.
Now that that silly love stuff is over, it’s time to get to real issues of the day… The 4th Annual Deucie Award Nominations.
Love is in the air! Mikey, d$ and Pinky celebrate the time of love with a Valentine’s Day themed episode!
After a three month break in the action, Pinky, Mikey and d$ return to finish out the final 16 movie years… the Cinema 16, if you will…
A special retrospective brings on a TechnoRetro Dad, that being Shazbazzar from TRD.
It’s the start of a new year, and with that, the start of new movie goals and new movies seen! Thus, the January ReFlicktions is super duper uper sized!
The year of 2016 produced some great films, but there were many seen by Mikey, Dave and Pinky that they considered great as well.
Throughout the year, there are good movies, there are bad movies, and there are movies that Dave, Mikey and Pinky watch that are just terrible.
Another year is winding down, and the generosity of Mikey, Pinky, Dave and guest Remodeling Clay Shaver knows no ending.
Once a month, Mikey, Pinky, and Dave bring you a very long episode… not just because they are long winded, but because they have lots of movies to talk about.
It’s that time… Christmas time is here… everybody knows, there’s not a better time of year…
It’s the holiday season, and whoop de doo, and hickory dock…