In which the guys discuss their recent fave docs.
The Deucecast
In which the monthly ReFlicktions, Deucie Nominations, and the Burgeler payoff are all discussed.
Deuce Team back again, check it to wreck it, let’s begin! For another movie filled episode of The Deucecast Movie Show, as Dave and Mikey welcome back Friend of the Show, Wit Stillman Fan, Lover of Brie (Allison, Larsen & the cheese), Terrence Malick Apologist, Film Historian, and Nobel Prize of Medicine Nominee for his work in toejam fungus, The Estimable Twitterless Dr. Earl. On this episode we discuss our favorite movies that are 90 minutes or less.
It’s what The Deucecast Movie Show considers it’s “Super Bowl”, the Academy Awards. Which we all know is really a prelude to the 5th Annual Deucies, coming up later this year. So listen as the guys dive into the Oscar Nominees.
Here is a special episode release! It’s Episode 16 of the Magic on a Dollar Podcast, hosted by David Dollar, co-host of The Deucecast Movie Show.
Check out the top ten older movies that we saw in 2017.
First up, a little Rotten Tomatoes Potpourri, with some random films and random guesses. Then, bringing up some of the lowest temperatures you’ll find on the silver screen. The snow falls in Inception’s third act…with the wolves of The Grey…Sly on a snow covered mountain… trains circling a frozen planet…and so much more! Grab a blanket, stay cozy and enjoy the show!
New movies abound in this ReFlicktions episode, as the Christmas break gave Mikey, Dave & Friend of the Show, Wit Stillman Fan, Lover of Brie (Allison, Larsen, the cheese), Terrance Malick Apologist, Film Historian and Nobel Prize of Medicine Nominee for his work on Adam’s Apple research, The Estimable Twitterless Dr Earl plenty of time to hit the cinema for many motion pictures.
The “Greatest Actor of All Time” sweet sixteen contest rolls on with a look at the great roles of Julia Roberts.
These movies we saw in 2017 deserve lumps of coal.
We hand out the Hollywood gifts that keep on giving.
There’s always room for more reflicktions.
What movies are streaming for holiday downtime?