Beltway Banthas

Beltway Banthas

The only Star Wars podcast dedicated to exploring the politics of a galaxy far, far away and why they matter.

Beltway Banthas is a podcast about the intersection of Star Wars and politics. For host Stephen Kent, one of those things is politics. Star Wars draws from our world’s politics just as much as it contributes to it by influencing policymakers, journalists and thought leaders. On this podcast, we seek to understand how Star Wars impacts the world we live in, while also covering the Star Wars news, gossip and hype of the day.

Brittany Hunter

It’s finally here! Our pre-Rogue One episode! As we get increasingly amped up to see the film, Stephen, Swara and special guest Brittany Hunter delve into a discussion of why rebellions and revolution occurs. To do this we look at case studies including the American Revolution and the Arab Spring and compare these events to the formation of the Rebel Alliance.

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