Have you tried turning it off and back on again?
Sci-Fi Saturdays
The deeper you go, the worse it gets!
Duality and deceit are the watchwords of the day.
Simone is a 10 in my book.
Do this, don’t do that, can’t you read the signs?
Everybody runs!
My father didn’t fight in the Clone Wars. He was a navigator on a spice freighter.
This movie can stop a clock. Which is a good thing in this case.
Time keeps on slippin’, into the future.
I think it’s kind of funny. I think it’s kind of sad. The dreams in which I’m dying are the best I ever had.
No more negative talk. From here on, this film is known as Repli-Can!
Please welcome, Marky Mark and the Monkey Bunch!
Hey Joe, whadda ya know?