Listed as probably the worst film ever, Plan 9 From Outer Space is extremely low-budget film that lives on due to its total incoherence.
Sci-Fi Saturdays
A horror film though and through, The Blob pulls it’s storyline from the popularity of science-fiction and horror films of the late 1950s.
Hollywood proves with Attack of the 50 Foot Woman, that where one idea is good, copying that idea and changing it slightly can be better!
This week Sci-Fi Saturdays looks at the early Ray Harryhausen monster-classic 20 Million Miles to Earth.
One of the earliest, and still possibly the best film about changing sizes, The Incredible Shrinking Man takes the ordinary and mundane and makes it fantastic and dangerous!
A mysterious man who is Not of This Earth, is wreaking havoc in Southern California in this low budget film by director Roger Corman.
In the annals of notable sci-fi films, Earth vs The Flying Saucers gets an entry. But just barely.
The 1956 MGM film Forbidden Planet is a watershed moment in American sci-fi film that opened new realms, new ideas, and inspire visionaries for decades to come!
A frightening and thrilling film, the original Invasion of the Body Snatchers provides lessons for gossips, snoops and busybodies. Mind your own business, or else!
It’s only in watching all types of science fiction films that one can discern the wheat from the chaff. Tarantula is not the worst film from 1950s but it certainly leaves some things to be desired.
In the annals of science-fiction film, This Island Earth holds a firm position as a memorable film.
20,000 Leagues Under The Sea: An ambitious adventure tale by one of the most creative sci-fi/fantasy writers is adapted to the big screen by the greatest imagineer of all times!
Probably no other science fiction film expounds on the horrors of atomic energy and nuclear weapons, as does Godzilla, the 1954 giant monster film from Japan.