“You spell it S-A-N-T-A C-L-A-U-S hooray for Santy Claus!”
Sci-Fi Saturdays
What would a computer need with a pair of tennis shoes?
I’m sorry Dave. I can’t stop talking about this film.
The tables have turned and man is no longer in control. This monkey wants a word with you!
If you have no idea what this title means, I suggest you stop by for a brief lesson.
“Yeah, we’ll have two blondes with a side of brunettes, and a redhead for desert.”
Sci-fi adventure, family entertainment, and puppets bring a new level of fun to Sci-Fi Saturdays this week.
The plastic surgery of Seconds is crazy! It’ll take you face off!
“Tyger Tyger, burning bright, In the forests of the night,” have you set my books alight?
“In space no one can hear you scream,” has probably become one of the most iconic taglines for any horror or sci-fi film, ever!
Stop me if you heard this before: An Antarctic base is under attack by a shape-shifting alien…
Isolation, self-identity, and paranoia are all elements touched on in The Thing. And gore. Lots and lots of gore!
October is the time for scary movies, so this month’s Sci-Fi Saturdays films have a horror bent to them, starting with the original The Thing From Another World.