It’s a Fouke tale of a monster and the people that it scares.
Don. Megalodon. License to chew.
‘Tis indeed a miracle one must feel that two such heavenly creatures are real.
This film trolls audiences hard!
I wanna see the sun blotted out from the sky. Paint it black.
See severed heads that almost fall right in your lap. See that bloody hatchet coming right at you.
Excitement and exhilaration are the extra elements of horror on exhibit today.
In this film, all men are created equal. Literally!
Then there’s Saint Maud. That uncompromisin’, enterprisin’, anything but tranquilizin’, right on Maud!
The blackcoats are coming, the blackcoats are coming!
The witch, oh the witch is back. Stone cold sober as a matter of fact.
Two heads may be better than one, but this Thing is just dumb.
It’s just Jack and the King fighting a good ole mummy, baby!