This past weekend we were at Awesome Con in Washington DC! Stephen and John join Nanci Schwartz, Brian Larsen and Bria Lavorgna of Tosche Station, and Jay Shah of Eleven-ThirtyEight to discuss the theme of redemption in the galaxy far, far away. If Vader can be redeemed, can anybody? Is Kylo Ren able to truly atone for the crimes he’s committed? Tune in for a rich panel discussion of one of the franchise’s major themes.
In case anyone forgot, Aphra proves she is both smart and morally flexible in Doctor Aphra #18.
Alias Investigations, which is the name of Jessica Jones’ private investigation firm, first debuted in the first episode of Season 1. It has been made up of several exterior filming locations that we’ll be looking at in this article. The interiors of her office are filmed on the Broadway Soundstages in Long Island City.
Forces are joined across the galaxy for an assault on Thanos in The Infinity Gauntlet #3.
Celeste is the first video game masterpiece of 2018. It is also one of the most realistic depictions of self-doubt and anxiety in the medium.
Jason Fry’s Star Wars: The Last Jedi Expanded Edition ranks among the top Star Wars film movie novelizations. John Liang explores why.
You’d think that a film about a New York doctor, having a fight in New York City, and ending with an accident on a New York sidewalk would be shot in New York? If you did, then you must not be reading these posts carefully!
The “Legend Found” story arc concludes with a mission to rescue Lor San Tekka in Poe Dameron #25.
Heroes from all corners of Star Wars meet as Leia puts her Mon Cala liberation plan in action in Star Wars #45.
James Volpe continues the theme of the space cowboy, Han Solo, and what might be seen in the upcoming Solo: A Star Wars Story in this edition of the Retrozap Artist Series.
With the series ending of Star Wars Rebels, Kendall Schroeder takes a closer look at Ahsoka Tano’s transformation in this installment of the RetroZap Artist Series.
When Netflix says they’re filming all their Marvel superhero shows in New York, you better believe them. They did not go to Anzhou, China for Iron Fist!
Thrawn puts his intellect towards thwarting pirates and angering Imperials in Thrawn #2.