Wakanda Forest

To film the mysterious environments of Wakanda, the filmmakers didn’t need to leave the state of Georgia. The Wakanda Forest from the end of Avengers: Infinity War was shot in the lovely Tallulah Gorge State Park, part of the larger Chattahoochee National Forest covering part of Georgia and into Tennessee. Come see how this location was found!

Colleen Wing's Dojo

Colleen Wing’s Dojo, the Chikara Dojo, is located in the fringe areas of Chinatown – in the shadow of the Manhattan Bridge – and serves as Colleen’s apartment as well as her studio. To celebrate the Second Season of Iron Fist, dropping Friday, September 7, 2018, we present this look back at an iconic location from Season One.

Bifrost Bridge

Kenneth Branagh’s Thor is an incredible film. It introduces the MCU to Thor, Loki, Asgard & the Bifrost Bridge. And yet, even though a majority of the film takes place in mystical realms, the filmmakers still managed to use some very Earth-bound locations to film the action.

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