Welcome to the final installment of 31 Days of Horror. Like with the first film, I wanted to end with a Stephen King film as well, and the recent version of It has garnered high praise.
As we near the end of the month, I have a surprise for you! I’ve invited a pair of clowns to visit 31 Days of Horror. First up is the 1990 version of Pennywise. Tomorrow we’ll be visited by the 2017 version!
Delirium was another recommendation from some friends. We’ll see if they can still be called friends after I finish this film.
Riding high on the crest of the American zombie craze, Marvel Comics brought their own spin to the zombie genre in a way only Marvel could with Marvel Zombies miniseries.
The mystery behind the mask is revealed as the Dark Lord works towards building his personal fortress in Darth Vader #22 – Fortress Vader Part IV.
Thanks for tuning in to the discussion for the remake of Fright Night on 31 Days of Horror. I know it won’t suck!
Welcome to another two-part weekend post, as I’ll look at the original and remake of Fright Night!
A Gothic inspired horror film continues the marathon of Haunted Houses with Guillermo del Toro’s Crimson Peak.
The Conjuring continues the marathon of haunted houses for the 31 Days of Horror this year. This might be the most haunted house yet!
The less you know about The Cabin in the Woods before watching it, the better.
One of the best (and funniest) films about a cabin in the woods. Tucker & Dale vs Evil reshapes the horror genre in a parody without resorting to cheap jokes.
Another day, another haunted house film, and another remake! House of Wax offers a lot of promises!
Gremlins (1984). Is it a Christmas story for the whole family, or a mid-October fright-fest the kids should avert their eyes from?