Lando learns a hard lesson that running a profitable business doesn’t come without worry, hardship, and struggle in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion – Lando Calrissian #1.
Aphra explores her maternal issues as she trains a would be apprentice in Doctor Aphra #32.
The galaxy’s most notorious bounty hunter lives by his own code in a western styled story as told in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion – Boba Fett #1.
Princess Leia and Queen Trios prove to be opposite sides of the same coin as their personal battle for Shu-Torun continues in Star Wars #65.
In Batman vs Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, viewers get a fun movie with plenty of action.
Listed as probably the worst film ever, Plan 9 From Outer Space is extremely low-budget film that lives on due to its total incoherence.
This week MCU: Location Scout looks at the locations that make up Stark Industries from Iron Man 3.
There’s only one person to turn to that will get the job done for the right price. A man in armor. A man known only as The Mandalorian.
A horror film though and through, The Blob pulls it’s storyline from the popularity of science-fiction and horror films of the late 1950s.
And just like that, the world knows so much more about The RIse of Skywalker. Thank you Lev Grossman, Annie Leibovitz, and Vanity Fair for supplying not only new info on the upcoming film, but also for providing context on The Last Jedi and The Force Awakens.
Stark Industries has as much importance to the films as any character. Without it, Tony Stark would not have his Iron Man suit.
Han Solo finds the pull of the cause of the Rebellion to be irresistible, despite his own desires, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion – Han Solo #1.
The Rebel mission to Shu-Torun completes another phase, but Benthic’s Partisans reveal alternative goals the planet in Star Wars #64.