The only thing worse than being hunted by Darth Vader is being hunted by Vader while suffering from hallucinogens as one man learns in Vader: Dark Visions #5.
With Spider-Man: Far From Home coming out next week, it’s time for Peter Parker to return to Midtown High School.
Jabba the Hutt proves he is more than just a vile gangster in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion – Jabba the Hutt #1.
Dok-Ondar tells the story of how he acquired a lightsaber from Greedo of all people in Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge #2.
A pilot discovers, training is one thing, but it isn’t so easy shooting the devil in the back in Vader: Dark Visions #4.
The Absent Minded Professor represents a cornerstone merger of science-fiction and comedy that shows new growth for the genre.
Luke proves that although he is headstrong, he learned his lesson in The Empire Strikes Back and isn’t so impulsive in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion – Luke Skywalker #1.
No monster in movie history sparks more of the imagination than Godzilla. The booming footfalls. The iconic roar. Godzilla is King of all monsters.
In season two of Star Trek: Discovery, Captain Pike and the U.S.S. Enterprise warp to the rescue of the Discovery, but, in reality, they saved each other.
George Pal returns to Sci-Fi Saturdays with his classic adaptation of HG Wells’ The Time Machine.
Turn off your mind, relax and float downstream. Season One of Legion is a trippy ride through the mind of one of Marvel’s most powerful mutants.
Journey to the Center of the Earth is one of an early handful of films based on Jules Verne’s work, focusing on an expedition to the wonders-untold inside our planet.
The pilots of Shadow Wing confront betrayal within the Empire in TIE Fighter #2 and prove they are more than just pilots.