Poe experiences his first encounter with the Resistance and learns his future may not lie with the Republic in Star Wars: Age of Resistance – Poe Dameron #1.
Scott Lang gets paroled, but he can only afford to live one place, the dirty and rundown Milgrom Hotel in the Tenderloin district of San Francisco.
General Hux demonstrates exactly how he rose to power in the First Order in Star Wars: Age of Resistance – General Hux #1.
Arthur Fleck May Not Need Batman, but Joker Does – Thoughts on the Joker Movie
Everyone is slowly trying to get to the safety of Tar Valon, but it is proving to be a daunting task. Moiraine, Lan, and Nynaeve make it to Whitebridge, but after Rand and Mat have already fled. Perrin, Egwene, and Elyas are pursued by relentless, killing ravens. Rand and Mat are fairing a bit better, but not for long. Will everyone survive the clutches of the Dark One?
This is exactly what we’re seeing time and time again on the most horrific days of national news, when we’re forced to grapple with yet another mass shooting. We keep calling these young murderous men “loners,” yet they’re clearly anything but. This is why Joker looks truly terrifying, because in real life, we’re surrounded by Arthur Flecks — and don’t know what to do about it.
Aphra enacts her plan to obtain a pardon from the Empire in Doctor Aphra #35. Not everyone in the Empire is on board with this idea.
This week is another exclusive behind-the-scenes look at part the San Francisco car chase from Ant-Man & The Wasp.
The Last Starfighter (1984) came out in a year often considered one of the best ever for film. Yet, The Last Starfighter is not one that should be skipped.
Shadow Wing regroups to win the battle, but the Empire just lost the war as the series comes to an end in TIE Fighter #5.
Beilert Valance leads his motley crew on the second leg of their mission to take down the Dark Lord in Star Wars: Target Vader #2. However, Vader is hunting them too and he is closing in.
Put on your wetsuit and shrink on down for a Fantastic Voyage inside the human body!
Check out the location for the San Francisco SUV Flip from Ant-Man & The Wasp on this week’s MCU: Location Scout!