See the sad wolf. Watch the wolf cry. Cry wolf, cry!
Grab some chips. Grab a pint. Just don’t let the Grabbers grab you!
What do you call a zombie film that refuses to call itself a zombie film? Resident Evil!
October is the time for scary movies, so this month’s Sci-Fi Saturdays films have a horror bent to them, starting with the original The Thing From Another World.
You want to get dragged to hell? ‘Cuz this is how you get dragged to hell!
Popcorn’s trailer says it best: “Buy a bag. Go home in a box!”
If The Evil Dead scared you, then Evil Dead II will swallow your soul! You’ll be dead by dawn!
Spider-Man: Far From Home was not only filming on bridges, but they were building them too!
Say Candyman once! Say it again! Say it five times! This lethal Beetlejuice will come for your soul!
Han and Leia see the fault in their mission while Threepio struggles with the ethics of his. Meanwhile, a stranger preys on Luke’s naivety in Star Wars #71.
All the mystery around Dok-Ondar, the Sword of Khashyun, and Kendoh’s gang is resolved in Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge #5.
Supreme Leader Snoke attempts to push his apprentice to his limits in Star Wars: Age of Resistance – Supreme Leader Snoke #1. The test reveals plenty about Kylo Ren.
Ant-Man takes place in San Francisco and what better way to establish that than by showing the Golden Gate Bridge from the San Francisco vista point.