Stop me if you heard this before: An Antarctic base is under attack by a shape-shifting alien…
Kylo Ren competes against the legacy of an ancestor in Star Wars: Age of Resistance – Kylo Ren #1.
A living death as a zombie is no way to live!
In the world of the living only one man can see the dead, and he’s out to scare up some new business!
While homeownership can be hellish, this particular property delivers in spades!
Let’s not overlook this horror classic about a haunted hotel and the madness of a man.
Tam’s decision to join the First Order nearly cost the lives of her former friends. Meanwhile, the Colossus arrives at D’Qar to witness the aftermath of its destruction.
Sleep all day. Party all night. Never grow old. Never die. It’s fun to be a vampire.
Featuring demons, creepy castles and Nazis, oh my!
Isolation, self-identity, and paranoia are all elements touched on in The Thing. And gore. Lots and lots of gore!
Christopher Lee’s Dracula never drinks…wine.
As if puberty wasn’t horrific enough, now Ginger must contend with also becoming a werewolf!
Circle circle dot dot, now you’ve had a cootie shot. It is safe for you to proceed.