An unexpected appearance may mean the difference between Tam staying with or leaving the First Order in, Rendezvous Point.
If you have no idea what this title means, I suggest you stop by for a brief lesson.
Valance’s crew get a backstory and their hunt becomes personal as they confront Darth Vader in Star Wars: Target Vader #4. Plus, the traitor is revealed.
The Saltimbocca Boys are back to tell the travails of adventures at Rhode Island Comic Con 2019!
“Yeah, we’ll have two blondes with a side of brunettes, and a redhead for desert.”
Threepio has an audience with Darth Vader while Luke gets reeled into a con. Plus, Leia enacts a new plan with a former flame in Star Wars #72.
Aphra begins a new career in service to the Empire, but working conditions aren’t great when Darth Vader is on the ship. Aphra hatches a new scheme In Doctor Aphra #37.
Cere Junda’s mission to Ontotho only gets more complicated when an ally returns from the dead in Jedi: Fallen Order – Dark Temple #3.
Kaz, Kel, and Eila meet a treasure hunter named Mika Grey on Ashas Ree. While First Order Raiders arrive to collect in, The Relic Raider.
Darth Vader catches up to Beilert Valance and his crew and the fight to take out the Dark Lord of the Sith rages on in Star Wars: Target Vader #3.
The galaxy is full of heroes from all walks of life. This proves true in Star Wars: Age of Resistance – Rose Tico #1.
Luke Skywalker wasn’t the last hope for the Resistance. In Star Wars: Age of Resistance – Rey #1, readers learn that there is indeed another.
Leia and her team escape a trap and finally get their fleet as the Resistance continues to grow in Star Wars: Allegiance #4.