After nine films and over 25 hours of musical genius, John Williams concludes the Skywalker saga with another brilliant addition to his legacy.
Space, nearly the final frontier. These are the voyages of the Dark Star, whose mission may never get completed.
“Zardoz speaks to you, His chosen ones.” But just what is the film trying to say?
So long and thanks for all the fish! Slip on your scuba suit and brush up on your clicks and whistles, it’s time for the Day of the Dolphin.
The future is the wild, wild west in which advanced robots go rogue and threaten the guests of an exclusive amusement park.
The Mandalorian presents new clues about the galaxy post-Endor, the Clone Wars, the Empire, the demise of Mandalore, and something called the Darksaber.
By destroying Palpatine, Rey insured that Anakin was the Chosen One who brought balance to the Force
People are people so why should it be, that Soylent Green is tasting so deliciously?
Welcome to a polluted future-world where making babies is outlawed and the punishment is a slow death.
Bruce Dern is running silent and trying to get his five servings of fruits and vegetables.
When is a science-fiction film not a science-fiction film?
Ben Solo’s past as Luke Skywalker’s apprentice collides with his present as he searches for the Knights of Ren in The Rise of Kylo Ren #2.
“I’m singing in the rain. Just singing in the rain!”