Finding “sanctuary” on the planet Sorgan, Baby Yoda captures a slippery Sorgan frog and pops it into his mouth, much to the disgust of the children watching close by. Mandalorian Inktober continues!
Summerisle. Come for the festivities. Stay for the wicker man.
Get ready to party, until you drop!
“Sooga, sooga, sooga!” they chant. The Jawa leader slices open the egg and the clan digs into the gooey contents. Disgusting! Mandalorian Inktober continues.
“In every corner of the galaxy, the downtrodden and oppressed know our symbol and they put their hope in it.” – Vice Admiral Holdo. Mandalorian Inktober continues!
Roses are red, violets are blue. One is dead, and so are you!
The Mandalorian has an issue with jawas, but who can blame him? As he takes pursuit, the little scavengers throw everything they can at him, including the kitchen sink. Mandalorian Inktober continues!
In the blink of an eye, the terror begins.
These are not your average everyday garden pests!
An Ugnaught rides atop a blurrg across the rocky terrain. If it wasn’t for Kuiil, the Mandalorian may not have found the child. Mandalorian Inktober continues!
In a dark and dingy, lived-in galaxy, nothing screams “fancy” more than a hovering R1-series droid. Meet R1-G4 as you’ve never seen him before as Mandalorian Inktober continues!
What’s eating you?
Every single one of us, the devil inside!