Werewolf! Where wolf? There, wolf!
After the Mandalorian gets pummeled by the mudhorn, in a dizzy spell he flashes back to a traumatic time in his childhood. Super Battle Droids! Mandalorian Inktober continues!
In his search for the Jedi, will Mando travel to Mon Cala? Will he meet Admiral Ackbar? Will he learn of King Lee-Char? Or is it a trap? Mandalorian Inktober continues!
Yeah we all shine on!
Trust me. Absolutely nothing can go wrong.
As Mando walks the streets of Mos Eisley, a brief, hunting image is shown of bloody and battered stormtrooper helmets impaled upon pikes. Mandalorian Inktober continues!
As rocket fire rains down upon Nevarro, the night sky is filled with Mandalorians as they rise above the rooftops with jet packs upon their backs. Mandalorian Inktober continues!
What’s your favorite holiday?
The Nikto guards are no match for the bounty hunters, IG-11 and The Mandalorian on the attack of the outpost on Arvala-7. Mandalorian Inktober continues!
I’m dreaming of a Black Christmas!
Deep in the covert on the planet Nevarro, the Armorer tends to her forge. Using the beskar acquired by the Mandalorian, she fashions new armor and weapons for her tribe. Mandalorian Inktober continues!
Välkommen till midsommar. Skal!
Carasynthia “Cara” Dune can handle herself with her fists as well as her blaster. She’s a match for anyone that gets in her way. Mandalorian Inktober continues!