We’ll be rocking ’til the sun goes down, I believe in a thing called love!
All wrapped up and nowhere to go.
The Mandalorian and Cara Dune help the local farmers dig a trap for the AT-ST that’s terrorizing their village. Will it work? Mandalorian Inktober continues!
“You know Dasher and Dancer, Night of the Comet and Cupid…”
The Armorer reassures Mando that “this is the way” as she collects the beskar steel armor, returning it to the kiln to be preserved for another time. Rest In Peace, Mandalorians. Mandalorian Inktober continues!
Just keep swimming, just keep swimming.
On the streets of Nevarro, the chef is preparing lunch. What’s on the menu? Roasted Kowakian-Monkey Lizard! Mandalorian Inktober continues!
No one is getting any sleep tonight!
The Razor Crest’s portable carbon freezing chamber comes in handy as the Mandalorian secures his bounty. Who is this Rhodian? Mandalorian Inktober continues!
Maybe some nice flowers or a bottle of wine might be more appropriate.
King Katuunko was a friend to the Jedi. Even if Toydaria was neutral in the Clone War, the King still found a way to help. In his quest to find the Jedi, will the Mandalorian seek the aid of the Toydarians? Mandalorian Inktober continues!
Those that the beast is looking for, listen in awe and you’ll hear him bark at the moon!
Werewolf! Where wolf? There, wolf!