Please refrain from making noise….ever.
Y’all come back now, so we can kill you.
Check out that full moon tonight! Arrroooooooo!
A killer is loose, but don’t worry. Jennifer is on the case.
Sometimes death comes at 24 frames per second.
Hello muddah, hello faddah, we’re gettin’ murdered, at Camp Granada.
Television will rot your mind, reduce you to a puddle of goo, and then destroy the world.
Dam these beavers to hell!
I saw a werewolf drinking sangria at Don Alfredo’s and his hair was perfect.
Freddy’s dead. Long live Freddy! After killing off Freddy Krueger in the previous installment, Wes Craven’s New Nightmare takes a stunning new direction for the series. Before Viewing The trailer …
It’s alive! It’s alive!!
My, I bet you monsters lead interesting lives. The places you must go and the places you must see, my stars!
They’re putting Gremlins in everything nowadays!