Visiting hours are 9 to 5 and if I show up at ten past 6, well I already know that you’d find some way to sneak me in.
The Master of Suspense returns!
This is the great-granddaddy of vampire films and one celebrating its 100th Anniversary as well.
Eating your town this summer!
They call me MISTER Babadook!
Careful that you don’t catch anything while visiting your Malig-Uncle and Malignant.
Hush, hush, I know she can’t hear me calling her name.
Quite a lovely crop this season.
Trick or treat, smell my feet. Give me something good to eat.
They won’t be singing kumbaya. They’ll be screaming kum-ba-no!
It’s October again. Thrill me!
They’re not Slime Creatures from Outer Space, but Martians on the attack-ack-ack!
Resistance is not futile. It is voltage divided by current.