Two times the chills, two times the fake-outs!
Boldly going where others have gone before.
a list of all the articles from 1950 to 1999, focusing on iconic, fun, and genre-defining films
A friend is a friend, nothing can change that. And all that implies.
Thirteenth Floor. Computer systems, simulated realities, existential crises. Going down.
Does it deserve the title as the most overhyped film of the decade?
Seeing is believing, or is it?
Rock ‘n Roll meets Chopsocky cinema!
Are you getting it? Yeah, Armageddon it.
I want to believe…that this film is better than it is.
Danger! Danger Will Robinson!
Despite all his rage, he is still just a rat in a cage.
This may be the one sphere that does not actually roll anywhere.