Brews and Blasters 109: Joe Watches The Yoda Arc

by Brews and Blasters

Our look back at the arcs of The Clone Wars continues with The Yoda Arc!

Joe takes a look at the Yoda Arc–the four final episodes of season six and The Clone Wars series, “The Lone One,” “Voices,” “Destiny,” and “Sacrifice.” Just what did George Lucas have to say about the Force, the light and the dark, the Jedi and the Sith and the mysteries of the prequel era? It’s ALL here in these episodes.

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Brews and Blasters 109: Joe Watches the Yoda Arc

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Born from the discussions between two friends at a local pub in the historic town of Salem, Massachusetts, Brews and Blasters is your chance to kick back, relax and then enjoy everything about that galaxy far, far away. Your hosts, Chris Salton (founder, The Collectors Hutt) as well as Joe Tavano (founder and editor in chief, RetroZap!) sit down every week to do what would be doing anyway–talk about all things Star Wars, tell some stories, and of course, have a good time.

Join Joe and Chris as they share their love for Star Wars, the most obscure Star Wars characters, Boston’s North Shore, 1980s pop culture and delicious food, and occasionally talk to fascinating people–and friends, like an anthropomorphic packet of crystallized lime.

Brews and Blasters 109: Joe Watches the Yoda Arc

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