Today on Beltway Banthas we shine our politician spotlight on the greatest politician the Star Wars universe has ever known, the beloved Princess, Senator and General…Leia Organa. Our very special guests are Charlotte Errity and Caitlin Plesher of the Skytalkers Podcast and show producer John Liang. Together we discuss the history, politics and power of Star Wars most iconic politician/princess.
Obviously with the loss of our beloved Carrie Fisher this was a difficult episode to record. Throughout our conversation we discuss how Leia and Carrie have inspired each of us. The crew looks at how Leia & Carrie inspired the world at large through cinema and real life. We also discuss The Last Jedi sizzle reel from D23, what Carrie’s role might be like in the film. Enjoy!
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Politics and Star Wars fuse together on this unique and fascinating show! Beltway Banthas is your place for insightful political commentary featuring the galaxy far, far, away. Beltway Banthas is a Star Wars podcast about the intersection of fandom and the things that drive daily life. For hosts Stephen Kent & Swara Salih, one of those things is politics. Star Wars draws from our world’s politics just as much as it contributes to it by influencing policymakers, journalists and thought leaders.
On the show, you’ll learn about the politics within the Star Wars universe, from Alderaan & Naboo’s monarchies to the function of the Senate on Coruscant. In between episodes we feature interviews with real world change-makers, and talk with them about how Star Wars impacted their lives and view of the world.
Stephen Kent lives outside of DC with his wife and daughter. He works at a political non-profit that does outreach to millennials. He enjoys political podcasts, cosplay, and making jokes that only he thinks are funny. Connect on Twitter @Stephen_Kent89.
Swara Salih is a true believer, in both The Force and the importance of politics. As an activist, writer and aspiring Jedi, Swara came to Beltway Banthas as a listener and is now with the show full time. He’s a Data Analyst working to get city governments to use data better. Connect with him on Twitter @SwaraSalih1.