We kick off 2017 with a bloody bang as Dave Oshry of New Blood Interactive joins us to discuss his studio’s classic FPS homage Dusk, and more retro gaming!
We’re baaaaaack! New Blood Interactive co-founder Dave Oshry chats with us about the awesome games his studio is working on. Retro first person shooter homage? Check. Pikmin with molotov cocktails? Check. ’80s infused typing game with lasers? Check and mate!
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ARGcast #39: Spilling New Blood with Dave Oshry
There are some news we cover about retro gaming playing a part in the success of the Nintendo Switch. Robert also brings up some news about a new Double Dragon game that looks and feels like the ones we know and love, plus sharing his revisit of Street Fighter: The Movie. GAAAAAAME OVAAAAAH!
This episode also marks the debut of our new game segment called Random Select where David is in the role of a video game character that Robert and our guest compete to guess correctly. It’s a lot of fun, so hop right in the contestant’s chair with us!
The Stage of History this week introduces games such as isometric shooter Zaxxon, Sega’s RPG debut Phantasy Star, and the precursor to Command & Conquer, Dune II (NOT Doom II). There are also game giveaways for Lovers in a Dangerous Space Time and Cyber Chicken, so grab ’em before they blast off, ARGonauts!
Is Beyond Good & Evil 2 a Nintendo Switch Exclusive?
Nintendo Switch needs retro games to succeed
New Blood Interactive
Double Dragon IV coming to PS4 and PC
Got a question, comment, or suggestion for the show? Email us or send a tweet!
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Follow Robert @TheDCD.
About Another Retro Gaming Podcast
From the ashes, David Giltinan and Robert Workman return to invade your ears with (what else?) Another Retro Gaming Podcast! Join us for gaming talk with a retro bend. We’ll also have topics to discuss, old school titles to celebrate, guests to entertain, and even games to give away too! It’s a whole new era here on ARGcast.